The national triathlon team of Great Britain chose the Desmor - Rio Maior Sports Centre again for their training camp between 11-22 December 2016, with a group of 51 people, including athletes, coaches and managers. This time mainly the male and female youth athletes did their preparation in Rio Maior, although they were also accompanied by Vicky Holland for a few days, a senior athlete who won a bronze medal at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.
In Rio Maior, the athletes that are the future of the triathlon of Great Britain and one of the strongest national teams of this sport, were housed in the Sport Centre and did the training sessions in the swimming pools, gyms, stadiums, and cycling tracks.
The Desmor - Rio Maior Sports Centre has been receiving this national team for many years, which includes some of the best triathletes in the world, such as the Brownlee brothers, who some years ago even got to train in Rio Maior.
Also at this time, some youth triathletes from Italy also did their preparation in Rio Maior together with the British.